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All about us

Welcome to Bark Lane Professional Dog Grooming In Hextable

Treat your pet to the ultimate pampering and grooming experience in our new salon in Hextable

There are a selection of grooming services available to ensure your precious companion is looking and feeling their very best.

We aim to meet your individual needs and requirements and with our well equipped salon we can give your cherished pet a more relaxed and stress free experience.
The salon is air conditioned in the summer months and heated in the winter months.

All dogs are hand dried we do not use cabinet dryers and we work on an appointment only basis so every dog receives our undivided attention, love and care.

My name is Krystle Hillyard, I am city and guilds qualified and have gained experience in grooming lots of different breeds of all sizes over the years.
You can see more by visiting the gallery page for some of my work and the pictures of the interior of the salon.

Our Team
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